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A 20-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 23 Seminary Lesson: John 17
An 11-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 23 Seminary Lesson: John 14-16
An 18-slide PowerPoint for the Week 23 Seminary Lesson: John 14:15–31; 15:10–14
A 14-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 23 Seminary Lesson: John 14:1–6; 15:1–11
A 27-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the NT Lesson 77: John 17
A 25-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the NT Lesson 76: John 16
A 28-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the NT Lesson 74: John 14
Cut Outs and coloring page for Lesson 76 - John 16
61 Slide PowerPoint presentation to accompany Lesson 75 in the 2016 NT Seminary manual
Write down the reference for every verse that includes the word “love” in any form
A fun lesson for the betrayal of Judas
Magazine Articles
What do all three members of the Godhead have in common?
Share experiences of being left with a babysitter
Remind the students the day before to have them bring their comforters, blankets to class the following day
Lesson by MarGene Von Forell
Visual ideas
Some activities for John 17
CES seminar tape “Therefore What?” by Jeffrey Holland.
Why do we spend so much time learning about the Godhead?
Ask students what they think about when they hear the word glory
What is an Advocate?