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Come Follow Me 2024
CFM-BoM-2024 Starters
Before & After
Before & After Refinishing - Intro
Come Follow Me-NT
2019 Sneak Peak
2019 Curriculum Video #2
Come Follow Me - New Testament - 2019
WANTED: Your talent!
Object Lessons
How can I improve my scripture Study?
Object Lesson - Plan of Salvation
Object Lesson - Priesthood Power
Object Lesson - Priesthood Keys
Object Lesson - Gift of the Holy Ghost
Object Lesson - Temple Ordinances
Object Lesson - Taking upon us the name of Christ
Object Lesson - Importance of Families
Object Lesson - Temple Marriage
Object Lesson - Dating Standards
Object Lesson - Roles of Men and Women
Object Lesson - Family Relationships
Object Lesson - Chastity
Object Lesson - Personal Revelation
Object Lesson - Prayer
Object Lesson - The Restoration
Object Lesson - Priesthood Restoration
Object Lesson - Joseph Smith's Example
Object Lesson - The First Vision
Object Lesson - The Atonement
Object Lesson - Repentance
Object Lesson - Forgiveness
Object Lesson - The Plan of Salvation
Object Lesson - My Body Is a Temple
Object Lesson - The Choices I Make
Object Lesson - Adversity
Object Lesson - Christ Our Foundation
Object Lesson - Love the Lord
Object Lesson - The Importance of Prayer
Object Lesson - The Need for Agency
Object Lesson - A Cheerful Attitude
Object Lesson - The Value of Repentance
Object Lesson - Christ Our Redeemer
Object Lesson - Joseph Smith God's Instrument
Object Lesson - Scripture Power
Preserving the family OBJECT LESSON
What Would Jesus Do Attention Activity
No Less Serviceable Object Lesson
Teaching the Gospel Object Lesson
Roles of Men and Women Object Lesson
LDV Blog
5 Killer Family Reunion Ideas!
Debra's Top 5 Ways #2
Our Heavenly Father Knows Us
He Is Not Here, but Is Risen
Running Laps - a Parable of Our Day
The Parable of the Disney Vacation
The Parable of the Two Trees
The Parable of the Road Construction
If any of you lack wisdom
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Welcome to Primary!
Primary Music
January 2015
Annual Helps
Choose & Review
3 Dozen Choose & Review Ideas
Statue of Liberty
Music Mumbles
A Year of Song Ideas
CSMP Helps
Best Singing
General Fun Music Ideas
Music Spotlight
Song Idea Archives
February 2015
He Sent His Son - Q&A
2015 Primary Classroom Signs
2015 Primary Papers
Choosing Helpers
March 2015
April 2015
May 2015
Primary Scripture Search
June 2015
July 2015
September 2015 Primary
2015 CSMP Script
October Primary Helps
Primary November 2015
2016 Primary Helps
Primary 5 Lesson 34 - Joseph Smith Teaches about Baptism for the Dead
Primary 5 Lesson 34 - PowerPoint Alternative
Primary 5 Lesson 35 - The Nauvoo Temple is Used for Sacred Ordinances
Primary 5 Lesson 35 PowerPoint Alternative
Primary 5 Lesson 36 - Joseph Smith Writes the Articles of Faith
Primary 5 Lesson 36 PowerPoint Alternative
Primary 5 Lesson 37 - Joseph and Hyrum Smith Are Martyred
Primary 5 Lesson 37 - PowerPoint Alternative
Primary 5 Lesson 38 - Brigham Young Leads the Church
Primary 5 Lesson 38 - PowerPoint Alternative
Primary 5 Lesson 39 - The Saints Build Winter Quarters
Primary 5 Lesson 39 - PowerPoint Alternative
Primary 5 Lesson 40 - The First Pioneer Company Crosses the Plains
Primary 5 Lesson 40 - PowerPoint Alternative
Primary 5 Lesson 41 - The Saints Settle the Salt Lake Valley
Primary 5 Lesson 42 - The Pioneers Show Their Faith in Jesus Christ
Primary 5 Lesson 43 - Handcart Companies Come to the Salt Lake Valley
Primary 5 Lesson 44 - The Salt Lake Temple is Constructed and Dedicated
Primary 5 Lesson 45 - Lorenzo Snow Receives a Revelation on Tithing
Primary 5 Lesson 46 - Strengthening Our Testimonies of the Restored Gospel
Christmas Sunday - Valiant Primary
Primary 6 Lesson 38: Esther Saves Her People
Primary 6 Lesson 41: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Primary 6 Lesson 42: Daniel in the Lions' Den
Primary 6 Lesson 43: Jonah and the People of Nineveh
Primary 6 Lesson 44: Malachi Teaches about Tithes and Offerings
Gospel Language Symbols
Relief Society
The Teachings of Presidents of the Church Lesson Helps
Visiting Teaching Clothespin Tutorial
Ezra Taft Benson Editable Bookmark
Chapter 11: "True Greatness"
Joseph Fielding Smith- Chapter 26: Preparing for the Coming of Our Lord
Chapter 2: Pray Always
The Attributes of Jesus Christ: Obedient Son
Chapter 3: Freedom of Choice, an Eternal Principle
Chapter 4: Living Joyfully in Troubled Times
Chapter 5: Principles of True Repentance
Chapter 6: Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Redeemer
The Attributes of Jesus Christ: Long-suffering and Patient
Chapter 7: Joseph Smith, an Instrument in the Hands of the Lord
Chapter 8: The Power of the Word
The Attributes of Jesus Christ: Without Guile or Hypocrisy
Chapter 9: The Book of Mormon-Keystone of Our Religion
Chapter 10: Flooding the Earth and Our Lives With the Book of Mormon
May 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout
Ezra Taft Benson Chapter 11: "Follow the Living Prophet"
Ezra Taft Benson Chapter 12: "Seek the Spirit in all You Do"
June 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout
Chapter 13: Priceless Blessings of the House of the Lord
Chapter 14: Marriage and Family
July Visiting Teaching Handout
Chapter 15: "The Sacred Callings of Fathers and Mothers"
Chapter 16: "The Elderly in the Church"
August 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout
"Keeping the Law of Chastity"
Chapter 18: "Beware of Pride"
September 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout
Ezra Taft Benson Chapter 19: "Leadership"
Ezra Taft Benson Chapter 20: "Feed My Sheep"
October 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout
Chapter 21: "Principles of Temporal and Spiritual Welfare"
Ezra Taft Benson Chapter 22: "Carrying the Gospel to the World"
"Strengthen Thy Stakes"
Ezra Taft Benson Chapter 24: "A Christ-Centered Life"
December 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 1: "Jesus Christ-Our Only Way to Hope and Joy"
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 2: "My Peace I Give Unto You"
Chapter 3: Adversity
Chapter 4: Help from on High
Chapter 5: "Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration"
Chapter 6: "The Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ"
Chapter 7: Continuous Revelation through Living Prophets
Chapter 8: Taking the Gospel to All the World
April 2016 Visiting Teaching Handouts
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 10: "The Scriptures
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 11: "True Greatness"
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 12: Come Back and Feast at the Table of the Lord
Bridal Shower Scattergories
June 2016 Visiting Teaching Handouts
Chapter 13: The Temple
July 2016 Visiting Teaching Cards
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 15: The Sacrament of the Lord
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 16: Marriage
August 2016 Visiting Teaching Handouts
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 18: "We Believe in Being Honest"
September 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 19: Our Commitment to God
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 20: Walking the Savior
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 21: Faith and Testimony
October 2016 Free Visiting Teaching Handouts
December 2016 Free Visiting Teaching Handout
Chapter 2: An Ensign to the Nations, a Light to the World
Dryer Balls - RS Activity Idea
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 8: "We Look to Christ"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 7: "The Whisperings of the Spirit"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 9: "The Precious Gift of Testimony"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 10: "Nurturing the Eternal Partnership of Marriage"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 11: "Home
June 2017 Visiting Teaching Cards
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 12: "Obedience: Simply Live the Gospel"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 13: "Peace and Contentment through Temporal Self-Reliance"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 14: "Losing Ourselves in the Service of Others"
Gordon B. Hinkley Lesson 15: "The Holy Priesthood"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 16: "The Power of the Book of Mormon"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 17: "Continue in the Great Process of Learning"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 18: Virtue
Gordon B. Hinckley - Chapter 19
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 20: "Fellowship with Those Who Are Not of Our Faith"
Gordon B. Hinckley Chapter 21: The Latter-Day Miracle of Missionary Work
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 22: "Reaching Out with Love to New Converts and Less-Active Members"
2018 Come Follow Me Relief Society-MP Editable Bookmark
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 23: "The Blessings of the Holy Temple"
Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson 24
Come Follow Me
Gospel Doctrine
Gospel Principles
Come Follow Me
Our Heavenly Father
December SS
How Can I Learn to Serve More Effectively in the Church?
How Can I Become a Better Leader?
Lesson 2: Our Heavenly Family
Lesson 3: Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior
Lesson 4: Freedom to Choose
How does the Holy Ghost help me learn?
How can studying the scriptures help me learn about Heavenly Father?
How can I help others learn about Heavenly Father?
How can I learn to see Heavenly Father
February: The Plan of Salvation
The Creation
The Fall of Adam and Eve
The Holy Ghost
Why is teaching the gospel important in the plan of salvation?
Praying to Our Heavenly Father
Prophets of God
The Life of Christ
The Atonement
March - The Atonement of Jesus Christ
How can relying on the Savior
How can I use the words of living prophets
What can the scriptures teach me about the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
The OT Foundation for All Scripture
Priesthood Organization
The Lord's Covenant People
The Church of Jesus Christ in Former Times
April: The Apostasy and the Restoration
How can I recognize the difference between truth and error?
What does Joseph Smith's example teach me about learning the Gospel?
Why is it important to teach pure doctrine?
How can I liken the events of the Apostasy and the Restoration to my life?
The Church of Jesus Christ Today
Faith in Jesus Christ
May: Prophets and Revelation
What Can I Learn From Living Prophets and Apostles?
June:Priesthood and Priesthood Keys
July: Ordinances and Covenants
August: Marriage and Family - SS
September: Commandments
October: Becoming More Christlike
November: Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance
How can I participate effectively in councils in the Church?
Chapter 27: Work and Personal Responsibility
Chapter 25: Fasting
Chapter 26: Sacrifice
Chapter 28: Service
Chapter 29: The Lord's Law of Health
Chapter 21: The Gift of the Holy Ghost
Chapter 22: The Gifts of the Spirit
Chapter 23: The Sacrament
Chapter 24: The Sabbath Day
How can using scripture study skills help me learn more about the priesthood?
How do women and priesthood holders work together to build the kingdom of God?
What Spiritual Truths Can I Learn From The Ordinances Of The Gospel?
What spiritual truths can I learn from the ordinances of the gospel?
How can I make the sacrament more meaningful to me?
How Can I Deepen My Understanding of Covenants?
How do I keep my covenant to always remember the Savior?
How can I prepare to receive temple ordinances?
Chapter 30: Charity
Chapter 31: Honesty
Chapter 32: Tithes and Offerings
Why is it important to learn about my family history?
How can I teach others how to do family history work?
How will keeping a personal journal bless me and my family?
How can I explain the importance of marriage and family to others?
What opportunities are there for learning and teaching in the home?
Chapter 36: The Family Can Be Eternal
Chapter 35: Obedience
Chapter 34: Developing Our Talents
Chapter 33: Missionary Work
How can I help others understand my standards?
How does keeping the commandments affect my ability to learn the gospel?
How do the commandments help me learn to be more like Heavenly Father?
How can I inspire others to obey the commandments?
What blessings does Heavenly Father promise if I obey the commandments?
Family Responsibilities
Eternal Marriage
Law of Chastity
The Postmortal Spirit World
Temple Work and Family History
The Gathering of the House of Israel
Signs of the Second Coming
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
The Millennium
The Final Judgement
How did the Savior compare gospel truths to familiar objects and experiences?
How can I invite others to become more like the Savior?
How can I show love for those I teach?
How can I use the scriptures to help others become more Christlike?
How can I overcome doubt with faith?
How can I understand the symbols used to teach about the Second Coming?
What are effective ways to share the gospel with others?
Christmas: How can I share my testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
How does the Holy Ghost help me learn?
How can I help others learn about Heavenly Father?
How can I learn to see Heavenly Father
How does the Holy Ghost help me teach the gospel?
Images from the Book of Mormon
How can I use church music to learn about the plan of salvation?
What is the role of agency in learning the gospel?
How can I help others understand the doctrine of Christ?
Why is learning an important part of Heavenly Father
How can I use the words of living prophets and apostles to strengthen my faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
SS: What can the scriptures teach me about the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
How can the Book of Mormon help me strengthen my faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
How can relying on the Savior
How can I explain the Apostasy and the Restoration to others?
Howard W. Hunter Chapter 9: "The Law of Tithing"
How does reverence help me receive revelation?
What can I learn about gospel learning from the Savior
How can I become a better teacher?
How can studying the scriptures help me learn about Heavenly Father?
Why is teaching the gospel important in the plan of salvation?
How can I use questions effectively as I teach?
How can I learn to make my own decisions?
How can I stand as a witness of God?
What can I learn from the scriptures to help me prepare for the Second Coming?
How can I help others participate in learning?
Welcome LDV Villagers!
Free Youth Sunday School Handouts
Young Women
Come, Follow Me Lesson Helps
YW December: Building the Kingdom of God in the Latter Days
New Beginnings
Young Women in Excellence
Girl's Camp
Standard's Night
Youth Conference
Pre-Camp Ideas
Girls Camp Ideas: Fun Traditions
Girls Camp Ideas: Camp Themes
Girls Camp Ideas: Hikes
Girls Camp Ideas: Evening Programs
Girls Camp Ideas: Crafts
Girls Camp Ideas: Fundraisers
Mia Maids
Value Based YW Activities
Activity Ideas: Faith
Activity Ideas: Divine Nature
Activity Ideas: Individual Worth
Activity Ideas: Knowledge
Activity Ideas: Choice and Accountability
Activity Ideas: Good Works
Activity Ideas: Integrity
Activity Ideas: Virtue
YM/YW Combined Activity Ideas
Stake Dances
Creative Dating
YW Activities
Personal Progress Activities
Midweek YW Activities
Service Activities
YW Files
Who am I, and who can I become?
How can I know my Heavenly Father?
January: The Godhead
New Beginnings: ENJOY THE JOURNEY!
Why is Jesus Christ important in my life?
What are the roles of the Holy Ghost?
What is the purpose of life?
Why should I treat my body like a temple?
February: The Plan of Salvation
Why do the choices I make matter?
Antiques Roadshow Activity
Why do I need to forgive others?
How can the Savior help me during my trials?
How can repentance help me every day?
What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ?
April: The Apostasy and the Restoration
Why is the First Vision important?
Why is it important to listen to and follow the living prophets?
How do I receive personal revelation?
Why is it important to study the scriptures?
May: Prophets and Revelation
How can I make my prayers more meaningful?
How can I strengthen my testimony?
What is the priesthood?
What are my responsibilities in the work of the Priesthood?
What does it mean to sustain my Church leaders?
June: Priesthood and Priesthood Keys
What are the keys of the priesthood?
What covenants did I make at baptism?
How do I receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Why are temple ordinances important?
What does it mean to take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ?
Why are Ordinances Important in my Life?
July: Ordinances and Covenants
Why are covenants important in my life?
Why is it important to follow the Church
How can I prepare now to become a righteous wife and mother?
How do the roles of men and women complement each other in families?
How can I strengthen my family?
August: Marriage and Family
Why is temple marriage important?
Why is chastity important?
How Can I be in the World but not of the World?
How do I guard my virtue?
Why are we Commanded to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy?
Why is it important to be honest?
September: Commandments
How do the things I say affect me and those around me?
Why do we fast?
Why do we pay tithing?
2016 Mutual Theme Packets
How Can I Become More Christlike?
October: Becoming More Christlike
Why is it important to be grateful?
How can I learn to be more patient?
How can I be more Christlike in my service to others?
How can I develop Christlike love?
How do I know if I am becoming converted?
Why is it important for me to gain an education and develop skills?
Why does the Lord want me to be healthy?
What is the Lord's way for providing for the poor and needy?
How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?
November: Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance
Why is work an important gospel principle?
How do I receive the power and blessings of the priesthood in my life?
How can I invite others to come unto Christ?
How can I prepare to establish a Christ-centered home?
How can I participate in the hastening of the Lord's work?
What is Zion?
How can I help my less-active friends return to Church?
What happened in my premortal life?
How can I find comfort when someone I care about dies?
Come, Follow Me Scripture Coloring Pages
What is Grace?
How can a patriarchal blessing help me?
Flight 409 Activity
2016 Mutual Theme Packets
Why was a restoration necessary?
Why do we need the Book of Mormon?
How was the priesthood restored?
What was Joseph Smith's role in the restoration?
Why is family important?
2018 Mutual Theme Collection
2018 Mutual Theme - ASL
What does it mean to be Self-Reliant
2018 Young Women Planner
How does Heavenly Father want me to use my Spiritual Gifts
What can I do to help new members of the church?
How can I participate in the hastening of the Lord's work?
What do we know about the nature of the Godhead?
Why do we have Adversity?
What is the Plan of Salvation?
March Young Women Lessons - The Atonement of Jesus Christ
What is the atonement of Jesus Christ?
What is the Resurrection?
Old Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Doctrinal Mastery
Teacher Resources
MarGene's Lesson Outlines D&C - 81-110
MarGene's Lesson Outlines D&C - 1-80
MarGene's Lesson Outlines D&C - 111-End