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A 16-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 29 Seminary Lesson: Acts 10, Part 2
A 17-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 29 Seminary Lesson: Acts 10, Part 1
An 18-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 28 Seminary Lesson: Acts 9:10–31
A 28 slide Power Point Presentation that covers New Testament Lesson 89: Acts 10-11.
I used this activity to summarize Paul’s missions and journey.
An excellent Power Point presentation
Magazine Articles
Lesson by MarGene Von Forell
Reader’s theatre that is a great missionary application for Acts 10:
Story from a Return Missionary
Prepare the classroom with pictures of saints in various lands showing the diversity of the saints throughout the world.
What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?
Quote from Howard W Hunter
Trust personal revelation
Play an introductory game to identify personality traits.
How did the saints in Jerusalem react when they heard that Peter had met with and eaten with gentile?
The setting for this story is Nazi Germany in 1939.
To be faithful to the gospel in any situation – to not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ and to be a member of His Church.