
2022 OT Lesson 27 PowerPoint: Genesis 15-17


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A 33-slide PowerPoint presentation for the NEW 2022 OT Lesson 27: Genesis 15-17

by Amber Andrus


A 33-slide PowerPoint presentation for the NEW 2022 OT Lesson 27: Genesis 15-17


"As Abram grew older, he was concerned about how God would fulfill the promises He had made regarding Abram’s posterity. The Lord comforted him, reassuring him that all of the promises would be fulfilled. Sarai gave her handmaid Hagar to Abram as a wife to raise up posterity to Abram. After Hagar conceived, a conflict arose between her and Sarai, during which Hagar received divine guidance. In Genesis 17 we learn about further promises and responsibilities the Lord revealed pertaining to the Abrahamic covenant. The Lord also promised Abraham and Sarah that in their old age they would have a son, whom they were to name Isaac." [Introduction for the lesson at churchofjesuschrist.org]