
Seminary Lesson 60: D&C 56 PowerPoint


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A 21-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 60: D&C 56

by Amber Andrus


A 21-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 60: D&C 56


"Ezra Thayre was assigned to live and work, along with Joseph Smith Sr., on Frederick G. Williams’s farm in Kirtland, Ohio. Brother Thayre also helped pay for some of the debt owed on the land. In early June 1831, he and Thomas B. Marsh were called on a mission to Missouri. Because of pride and selfishness, Brother Thayre was unprepared to leave with Brother Marsh. In the revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 56, received on June 15, the Lord revoked Brother Thayre’s call and assigned a new companion for Brother Marsh. The Lord warned against pride and taught the Saints that He has much more in store for them than land and money." [Introduction from the online lesson at lds.org]